Song of Fi Hagat Lyrics is an Arabic popular song. Fi Hagat song sung by Nancy Ajram. At the date of February 26, 2013 this song first time released on YouTube. This song music composition also Nancy Ajram. Fi Hagat lyrics written by Nancy Ajram. This song sung in the language of Arabic. This song produced by Nancy Ajram.

Nancy Ajram give the music label of this Fi Hagat song. This song got more than 122 million visitors on YouTube after released this song. So, let's know the song of Fi Hagat lyrics and also play the music video in below.

Fi Hagat Song Information
Song Name Fi Hagat (في حاجات)
Singer Name Nancy Ajram
Song Writer Name Nancy Ajram
Music Nancy Ajram
Language Arabic
Released Date February 26, 2013
Label Nancy Ajram
Producer Nancy Ajram

Fi Hagat Lyrics
Fi Hagat

في حاجات Song Lyrics In Arabic

فى حاجات تتحس ومتتقلش وان جيت اطلبها انا مقدرش
ولو انت عملتها بعد ما انا اطلبها يبقى مينفعش
فى حاجات تتحس ومتتقالش توجع فى القلب ومبتبانش
وافضل علطول تعبانه مابين طب اقولك ولا مقولكش
مقدرش اقولك غير كل طريقة حبك ليا
او غير عليا ولا فجأنى فى مرة وهاتلى هديه
الا عنيا بعمل حاجه انا مش عارفاها
مقدرش اقولك حلى الدنيا فى عينى وغير فيا
لو مهما كنت قريب منى وكنت قريب ليا
مقدرش اقولك شكل حياتنا اللى اانا عيزاها
اعرف لوحدك شكل حياتنا اللى انا عيزاها
اوقات بيبان انى سكت وهديت ورضيت واتعودت
مش معنى كده انك علطول تحسبنى انى استسلمت
وساعات بتحس انى زهقت مع انى بخبى انى تعبت
متوصلنيش ياحبيبى اقول ده ياريتنى اتكلمت

Fi Hagat Lyrics By Nancy Ajram
( English Translate )

There are things that are felt and not mentioned, and if I come to ask for them, I cannot
If you do it after I ask for it, then it will not work
There are things that are felt and not said that hurt the heart and do not go unnoticed
I'd rather be tired, whether I should tell you or not
I can't tell you anything but the way you love me
Or did he surprise me once and give me a gift?
Except I'm about to do something I don't know
I can't tell you the best thing in the world is in my eyes or in me
No matter how close you are to me and you are close to me
I can't tell you what kind of life we ​​want
I know for myself the shape of our life that I want
There are times when it appears that I have been silent, calmed down, satisfied, and become accustomed 
This does not mean that you always think that I have given up
For hours, I feel like I'm bored even though I hide that I'm tired
Don't tell me, my love, to say this. I wish I had spoken

Fi Hagat Song In English Pronunciation

fi hagat tatahis wamutataqalish wan git atlabha ana muqadrish
walaw anat eumlatuha baed ma ana atlabha yabqaa minfeish
fi hagat tatahis wamutataqalish tujae faa alqalb wamubtabanish
wafadal ealtul taebanih mabin tibi aqulik wala maqulikish

muqadarish aqulak ghayr kuli tariqat hubik lia
aw ghayr eulya wala fajanaa faa maratan wahatalaa hadyah
ala eunya bieamal hajih ana mish earfaha
muqadrish aqulak hulaa aldunya faa eaynaa waghayr fia

law mahma kunt qarib munaa wakunt qarib lia
muqadrish aquluk shakal hayaatina allaa aana eayzaha
aerif liwahdik shakal hayatana allaa ana eayzaha
awaqat byban anaa sakat wahadit waradit wataeawadat

mish maenaa kadih ank ealtul tahsabunaa anaa astaslamat
wasaeat bitahis anaa zahiqat mae anaa bikhbaa anaa taeibat
mutawasilinish yahbibaa aqul dih yaritnaa atakalamt

Fi Hagat Music Video