Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Lyrics is a well known English song. Song of Yes Yes Dress for the Rain lyrics sung by Cocomelon. This song written also by Cocomelon. Song of Yes Yes Dress for the Rain lyrics started by the line in English pronunciation is Listen listen it’s time to listen now. This song released on the date of 28th July, 2020. Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Song got more than 112 million visitor in YouTube after released this song. This song music composition by Cocomelon.

Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Song got a music label which name is Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes. This song sung in the language of English. Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Song first published on the YouTube in the channel of Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes. So, let's know the song of Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Song lyrics and also play the music video in below.

Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Song Information
Song NameYes Yes Dress for the Rain
Released DateJuly 28, 2020
LabelCocomelon - Nursery Rhymes

Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Lyrics
Yes Yes Dress for the Rain

Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Lyrics By Cocomelon

Listen listen it’s time to listen now
Yes yes yes I want to listen now
Good good listening’s good for you
Yay yay yay I like it oooh

See see Teddy likes to listen
One two three listen up you see
Yes yes yes you see I’m listening now
Yay yay yay I like it wow

Jacket jacket it’s time to wear your jacket
Yes yes yes I want to wear my jacket
Good good the jacket’s good for you
Yay yay yay I like it oooh

See see Elephant likes the jacket
One two three almost on you see
Yes yes yes you see I’m all done now
Jacket jacket jacket I like it wow

Hat Hat it’s time to wear your hat
Yes yes yes I want to wear my hat
Good good a hat is good for you
Yay yay yay I like it oooh

See see Mousie likes the hat
One two three almost on you see
Yes yes yes you see I’m all done now
Hat hat hat I like it wow

Boots boots it’s time to wear your boots
Yes yes yes I want to wear my boots
Good good boots are good for you
Yay yay yay I like it oooh

See see Teddy likes the boots
One two three almost on you see
Yes yes yes you see I’m all done now
Boots boots boots I like it wow

Yes Yes Dress for the Rain Music Video